Por: Pérez & Del Valle
Participating in an event such as the Venice Biennial was an extraordinary experience. It is one of the most important artistic events for creators, whatever their origin. And I say it was an extraordinary experience not only because of its international prestige, but also because of the obvious global accommodation. Many countries offered part of their outlook and coexisted in total harmony. Honestly, I had never been to Venice, and had just heard a bit and seen some catalogs about the Biennial.
The space worked wonderfully, although, I of course had to adapt to its specific characteristics. But that was the interesting thing, and what I particularly look for when making installations: adapting. I want the piece to interact with the space and create a special connection. In this case it was a library in Loredan Palace, where I replaced the books with bottles with peel, roots, branches, fruits, and seeds conserved in distilled water; flora from Cuba and Tuscany.
I think the Cuban Pavilion had great visibility because of the privileged location of the Palace. It was a good strategic decision to choose that venue: it was possible to mount the exhibits effectively and almost everyone visiting Venice found it easily.